TMC General Meeting January 30th 2021
General Meeting.
Held Saturday 30th January 2021.
Tasmania Motorcycle Council Inc.
At RH-D Iron Horse Bar and Grill Prospect.
Meeting Opened. 10.45am
Paul Bullock, Danny Penney, Gary Burgess, Michael McCarthy, Henk Van Zetten, Simon Hrycyszyn.
Julie Penney.
Minutes of previous meeting.
Previous minutes of meeting held 7th November 2021 was read out by Paul as several members present at the meeting now did not receive them. Move by Danny, seconded by Simon that the previous minutes, as read, be accepted. Passed.
Business Arising.
. Paul received an invitation to participate in a marketing meeting 17/11/20. The meeting was to be with a sub committee of the Road Safety Advisory Council - Marketing arm - for Motorcycles.
. Paul advised the meeting that the chair of that marketing arm has since resigned, and no idea when it will become active again.
. TMC to write to the RSAC and ask for the Motorcycle promo budget value, and then offer to do it for them!
. Gary advised the meeting that participation in Learner courses has risen notably and getting back to where it was prior to Covid-19.
. That is, approximately, South have almost 2 courses daily, North 1 course daily, and North West almost 1 daily. (Daily being 5 days per week).
. Gary will provide more info next meeting.
Treasurer's Report.
General Business.
. All at this meeting agreed the current speed limit for Ls/Ps (of 80km/h) was extremely dangerous, creating lots of potential hazards for otherroad users. M. McC to write of his experiences as an L/P.
. Motorcycle fatalities for 2020 were recorded as 5.
In that number, one fatality was a 14 y.o. unlicensed boy rider in Claremont, Hobart, who in our opinion, should not have been recorded/included in the general Motorcycle stats.
Another fatality in that number of 5 was the 28 y.o. who was doing almost 3 times the speed limit in the Launceston city boundary, in Wellington St, with a go pro on his helmet!
. TMC and AJL have/will develop a scheme where TMC serious contributors will get 25% discount on their learners training costs.
. Some confusion as to who is on mailing list and who is not. It appears Paul may be lacking some as Henk advised the meeting all get minutes/agendas when he sends them out as Secretary.
Today's meeting notices were issued by Paul. Henk suggested he list all (those on the/his list) in these minutes for clarification.
. Danny advised he is still waiting to hear from West Tamar Mayor Christine, in relation to the West Tamar Road Safety Committee.
. Danny reported by email that MAIB had contributed some $91.9 million to our State Gov.
. Simon wants to re meet with our premier to follow up on the lack of results from the previous meeting.
. Wire Rope Barriers still being installed in Tassie, whilst elsewhere around the world they.
Next Meeting. Saturday 20th February 2021.
Meeting Closed 11.20am
Henk Van Zetten,
Meeting PDF
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