



Show your Opposition to the proposed laws

The Tasmanian Motorcycle Council (TMC), as the peak representative body for the 54,770 licenced motorcyclists in Tasmania, objects to the proposed Prohibited Insignia laws. The laws violate the fundamental freedoms afforded to Tasmanian's in a democratic society and lack public support. It is not the place of Government to dictate what people wear or who they associate with, if you agree then we need your help. Contact these emails and show your opposition to the proposed laws

Show your opposition to the proposed laws by emailiong the below email addresses

LC_Members@parliament.tas.gov.au and HAMembers@parliament.tas.gov.au

The Tasmanian Motorcycle Council (TMC), as the peak rpresentative body for the 54,770 licenced motorcyclists in Tasmania, objects to the proposed Prohibited Insignia laws. The laws violate the fundamental freedoms afforded to Tasmanian's in a democratic society and lack public support. It is not the place of Government to dictate what people wear or who they associate with, if you agree then we need your help. Contact these emails and show your opposition to the prosposed laws