TMC General Meeting 20th February 2021
Tasmania Motorcycle Council Inc.
General Meeting, Saturday 20th February 2021.
At Iron Horse Bar and Grill, Prospect.
Meeting Opened.
Present: Paul Bullock, Danny Penney, Julie Penney, Peter Fleming, Simon Hrycyszyn, Brian Hornsey, Henk Van Zetten, Michael McCarthy.
Apologies: Gary Burgess, Peter Clarke, Mick Boyd.
Minutes of previous meeting.
Moved they be accepted as circulated. Moved Michael, seconded Danny. Carried.
Business Arising from Minutes.
Paul sent email as requested to the Tasmania Road Safety Advisory Council requesting funding support and TMC to put advert together for Motorcycle Safety campaign.
Tasmania Road Safety Advisory Council wrote back in disagreement to Paul's comments and declined the request for funding.
Meeting had no idea where the Tasmania Road Safety Advisory Council got their data from so it was agreed Paul need to respond and seek evidence of the data quoted, as the data we have comes from MAIB.
Paul read out two extracts from the MAIB Act 1973 Exclusions sector, current since amended 8/5/19 to now - 12/2/21 - when printed by Paul. There were 3.5 pages of Exclusions material.
Section 24, sub section (2) (b) said non licenced drivers were excluded from funding and sub section (g) referred to persons use of vehicle without the premium paid or should have known not paid were excluded.
Yet MAIB figures, for the last 4 years, show 129 persons paid where they were in the above-mentioned Exclusions.
Given the above,
Meeting resolved that we need to seek legal advice forthwith. Simon and Paul to meet Geoff of Douglas and Collins next week.
Meeting also resolved to support Simon in running some adverst paid via the shop re Motorcycle Safety.
Correspondence In.
Email from Dino, Meade Valley Council Roads re planning to commence for future road works. They are seeking our advice. Meeting agreed for Brian to check there roads out. Committee agreed to pay Brian fuel monies. If anyone wants to join Brian they are welcome to do so.
. Michael wrote to Committee on his and his wife's experiences in becoming fully licensed Motorcycle Riders.
Secretary of MRA North did likewise.
MRA North will be writing to the minister on the same matter.
See business Arising for other Correspondence.
Correspondence Out.
. See Business Arising for Correspondence out.
Finance Report.
Brian advised meeting of finances.
Paul mentioned putting $500 aside to assist Simon with advertising.
Brian suggested we be aware of future funding requirements before depleting funds available.
General Business.
. Danny of MRA has received communication from the West Tamar Mayor re highway safety committee. Christine advised group have not met for some time now due to covid. The committee make up is reviewed bi-annual. Danny will be advised when this and/or Meeting next takes place. That is, no dates set.
Julie of MRA mentioned that 90 women Riders joined the Women's Riders Network for the overnighter at Tullah on 17th January 2021.
Thanks to Lindelle in supporting the event with Yamaha lanyards.
Paul has reviewed numerous videos on Motorcycle safety recently and put quite a number on the TMC website. May be able to utilise these in own campaign?
Paul to contact Guy Stanford form MCC of NSW in relation to their video on Motorcycle safety and seeking approval for us to utilise.
MRA next State Rally will be on March long weekend - 6th, 7th, 8th. MRA South organising.
Next Meeting.
Saturday, 27th March 2021, 10.30am, at Iron Horse Bar and Grill.
Meeting Closed.
Paul Bullock
President TMC
0427 889 074
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